Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Monsieur le ministre

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Broadcast Run: 1982 to 1986

Broadcast Medium: Television

From 1982 to 1986, the authors Michèle Bazin and Solange Chaput-Rolland fashioned a fictional world of politics in the TV soap opera Monsieur le Ministre, with Minister Alain Robert being played by Michel Dumont, and his wife Louise, by Andrée Lachapelle.

Radio-Canada aired 142 episodes of the series that was directed by Raymonde Boucher, André Bousquet, Jean-Marc Drouin, Hélène Roberge and Gilles Sénécal.

In addition to Michel Dumont and Andrée Lachapelle, the cast included the actors Émile Genest, Nathalie Gadouas, Jacques Lussier and Stéphanie Laplante.

Written by Yvon Chouinard – February, 2006