Network: Global Television Network
Broadcast Run: 1993 to 2001
Broadcast Medium: Television
This internationally acclaimed award-winning half-hour series for “tweens” is a refreshingly honest and humorous series about two girls immersed in adolescence. Ready or Not is a Canadian success story that blossomed into a series through the Global Television Network’s innovative New Producer Series.

Starring Laura Bertram and Lani Billard as best friends Amanda Zimm and Busy Ramone, Ready or Not deals with the girls’ changing family situations, relationships at school, and their own sexuality. The show delves into controversial issues such as coping with the break-up of families, body and self-image, jealousy, coping with failure, racism, and what the characters think about God and how religion might relate to them. As the girls confront each new conflict in their lives, they learn something about each other and the world around them. In the fall of 2001, Ready or Not, Second Generation went to air.
Broadcast: 1993 – 2001
Time slot: Various starting with Monday 8:00 pm, including Friday 8:30 pm, Saturday 9:00 pm, Thursday 7:30 pm, 4:00 pm weekdays, Tuesday 7:30 pm, Saturday 12:30 pm
Running time: 30 minutes
Production Company: Insight Productions Company Ltd, in association with the CanWest Global System
Producers: John Brunton and Alyse Rosenberg
Written by Joanne Ingrassia – June, 2002