CBC Television Network


Network: CBC Television Network

Broadcast Run: 1952 to 1981

Broadcast Medium: Television

Under the title CBC News Magazine, and later as Newsmagazine, this film digest of international news features ran for almost thirty years on the network, from the first day of television transmission.

Correspondents: Norman DePoe, Ken Mason, Michael Maclear and Stanley Burke in London, Tom Gould in the Far East, covering the Vietnam war, David Levy in Moscow, Peter Reilly at the United Nations, Phil Calder in Bonn, and James Minifie and Knowlton Nash in Washington, D.C.

Anchors: Lloyd Robertson (l973-76), Peter Kent (l976-78), and Knowlton Nash (l978-8l). 
Producers: David Marcus Roland (l96l-64), Murray Hunter (l964-66), William Harcourt (l966-73), Tim Kotcheff (l973-76), George James (l976-78), Tom Leach (l978-8l), Tony Hillman (l978-8l) and Peter Rehak (l978-80).

Executive producers including Don Cameron (l960- 66), Tim Kotcheff (l976-77), George Jones (l977-79), Trina McQueen (l979- 80), and Ann Medina (l980-8l).

Aired weekly, at various times, from September 8 1952 to 1981.

Written by John Corcelli – April, 2002