CBC Television Network


Network: CBC Television Network

Broadcast Run: 1975 to 1979

Broadcast Medium: Television

A program devoted to business, finance, and economics. The magazine format combined film features, interviews, and discussions, and the show was assembled on the Saturday for a Sunday air date for maximum topicality.

Host/reporters: Arthur Vaile, Sheldon Turcotte and Irv Lutsky [1975]
David Tafler and Judy Waytiuk [1976-1977]; Phil Mathias and Harry Mannis [1978-1979].

Producers: Brian O’Connor [1975-1976]; Eric McLeery [1976-1979]
Executive Produer: Peter Kaepple

Aired Sundays, at various times, from October 1975 to May 1979.

Written by John Corcelli – April, 2002