CIAU-FM, Community, Raddison

CIAU-FM2004103.117Radio communautaire de Radisson
CIAU-FM1997103.117Corp de développement économique de Radisson


The Radisson area of Quebec, which was developed in 1974 to accommodate workers building the Hydro Quebec James Bay Project, had been served for some time by the CBC. But in 1996, candidates running for the student council at Jacques Rosseau secondary school had made an electoral promise to bring community radio to the area. This sparked strong parental support, and on September 15th 1997 the CRTC heard an application from the Corporation de développement économique de Raddison (CDER) for a local French-language FM community station licence.
On November 17th, the Corporation was awarded a seven-year Type A community radio station licence, to expire on August 31st 2004. The station would broadcast on 103.1 MHz, with an effective radiated power of 17 watts. The station would broadcast 112 hours of local programming weekly, of which a minimum of 15% would be spoken word programming dealing with local (80%) and regional (20%) news and public affairs programming.


On December 23rd, the CRTC announced that it had received an application from CDER to renew its licence for CIAU-FM.


On March 1st, the CRTC heard an application from Radio Communautaire de Radisson to acquire the assets of CIAU-FM from CDER, and for a renewal of the station’s licence for a further term.

On April 23rd, and while noting that the transaction had already taken place without the Commission’s approval, the CRTC approved the transfer of ownership of the station, and granted a new licence for CIAU-FM, to expire on August 10th 2010. 


On August 31, the CRTC administratively renewed the licence for CIAU-FM to December 31, 2011.


On August 28, the CRTC administratively renewed CIAU-FM’s licence to December 31, 2012. On December 21, the licence was renewed to August 31, 2016.

The story continues elsewhere…
Effective September 1st 2019, we will only be adding new material to these station histories in exceptional circumstances. Our intent to chronicle the early days of these radio and television stations has been achieved, and many new sources and technologies, from the CRTC website to Wikipedia, and others, are now regularly providing new information in these areas.

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