Year Born: 1918
Year Died: 2012
Year of Induction: 1993
Pioneer – Member of CAB Hall of Fame
Audet, Henri (1918-2012)
Communications Executive, Professional Engineer. 1945 – entered broadcasting with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 1947 appointed Engineer in charge of the district of Montreal; 1948 – 52 – organisation of Canadian television. 1949 Committee member studying foreign television development in preparation for TV in Canada; 1953 – Quebec Regional Engineer; member CBC Special Television Committee and CBC/Bell Joint Television Committee. 1957 resigned from CBC to begin a new career in private broadcasting, first as President, Television St-Maurice Inc.: 1972 – President, La Belle Vision Inc.; 1973 – President, Television St. Francois Inc.; 1976 – 93 – Chairman and CEO Cogeco Inc.; 1980 – member of the Canadian delegation to Japan to study the future of satellite telecommunications; 1982 – Chairman Television de l’est du Canada (TVEC); 1989 – 96 Chairman of the Board of Publications Dumont (1988) Inc.; 1992 – 96 – Chairman of the Board of Cogeco Radio – Television inc.; 1993- 96 – Chairman of the Board – Cogeco Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc.; 1996 – President Emeritus of Cogeco Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc.
Honours and awards include (1979) D.Sc. Université du Québec; (1984) Order of Canada: (1987) Grand Prix de la Diffusion of ACRTF; (1989) Prix des Communications en Entrepreneuriat of the Quebec Government; (1989) Golden Ribbon of the CAB; (1991) Prix Merite of the Association des Anciens de Polytechnique; (1993) CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame: (1994) Honours List, CCTA.
Industry activities include: (61-64) President ACRTF; (63-67) President TVB: (1971) President CAB; (1971) Director Broadcast Executives Society; (1977) Director, Broadcast News; (92-94) Director, Fondation des ingenieurs du Quebec.
In December, 2006, at the age of 88, half-a-century after founding his Quebec media and cable empire, and as principal shareholder of Cogeco Cable, Inc., Henri Audet stepped down from the Board of Directors.
Henri Audet, Founder and President Emeritus of the company passed away on November 3, 2012 at the age of 94.
Written by J. Lyman Potts – March, 1996