CTV Television Network


Network: CTV Television Network

Broadcast Run: 1974 to 1977

Broadcast Medium: Television

Leading documentary film-maker Michael Maclear was hired by CTV in 1974 to host his own eponymously titled documentary half-hour series. His style of personal journalism, plus a generous budget, enabled him to travel the world to cover whatever stories took his fancy. He had established an excellent reputation with his many documentaries for the CBC, and during the three-year run of the series it consistently drew audiences in excess of one million viewers, exceptional figures for any Canadian program, let alone a documentary.

Thoughout its run, Maclear was scheduled on CTV on Thursdays at 9:30pm. It eventually gave way to CTV Reports (q.v.), an ill-fated attempt to not only continue to utilize Maclear’s own reporting skills, but to give him a bunch of high-profile names in support.

Written by Pip Wedge – November, 2002