Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Quinze ans plus tard

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1976 to 1977 Broadcast Medium: Television This series, written by Robert Choquette, takes the TV audience back to see what’s happening with some of the characters from La Pension Velder (1957), including the members of the Latour and Papineau families. From 1976 to 1977, Radio-Canada aired 38 episodes of Quinze […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Le temps de vivre

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1983 to 1992 Broadcast Medium: Television This program, intended for senior citizens, was hosted by Pierre Paquette and was broadcast until 1992. This get-together was designed to serve and entertain the general public. People of a certain age were able to share and discuss their points of view on a […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network


Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1976 to 1979 Broadcast Medium: Television The author Janette Bertrand wrote this TV soap opera that would become a big hit on Radio-Canada from 1976 to 1979. Featuring her husband Jean Lajeunesse, who played the grandfather Charles-Henri Lamontagne, the March 6, 1979 episode of Grand-papa was seen by […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network


Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1972 to 1997 Broadcast Medium: Television A program devoted to popularizing science, initially hosted by Donald Dodier, and broadcast up until 1988, when it was replaced by Découverte. Science-Réalité provided its TV viewers with easy-to-understand answers to many of the mysteries of the human body, the animal kingdom, the […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

La petite patrie

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1972 to 1997 Broadcast Medium: Television La Petite Patrie went on the air on September 1st 1974, and ran until 1976. Written by Claude Jasmin, this autobiographical story took place in the Montreal neighbourhood of Villeray in the 1940s. Edmond Germain, the father, is a  restaurateur, living with […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Génies en herbe

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1972 to 1997 Broadcast Medium: Television Génies en herbe invited young francophones in their senior high school year from all across Canada to participate in a quiz show where they were able to display their knowledge, verve and intelligence. Several TV hosts piloted these educational duels, including Serge […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Les forges de St. Maurice

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1971 to 1976 Broadcast Medium: Television Written by Guy Dufresne, the serial drama, “Les forges du Saint-Maurice”, made its debut on September 11th 1972, and took place in the Mauricie, in 1737. It told the story of the workers who participated in creating Quebec’s first metallurgical industry operation. From […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Appelez-moi Lise

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1971 to 1976 Broadcast Medium: Television This talk-show, hosted by Lise Payette, assisted by Jacques Fauteux, went down in history as the most celebrated late night talk-show in the Province of Quebec. It aired from 1972 to 1976. Artists, politicians and personalities from all over were invited to […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

La Semaine Verte

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1971 Broadcast Medium: Television Taking over from Les travaux et les jours, which was broadcast from 1955 to 1971, La semaine verte has continued on the air without interruption since then. Hosted by Yvon Leblanc (1978-2002), then Lucie Bergeron and Errol Duchaine, the program was produced in Quebec […]

Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network

Des souris et des hommes

Network: Société Radio-Canada (SRC) TV Network Broadcast Run: 1971 Broadcast Medium: Television The TV adaptation of this celebrated John Steinbeck novel became a Radio-Canada TV classic. For the first time in the history of a TV drama, it was decided, with Des Souris et des hommes, to shoot many of the shots outdoors, indeed, as much on […]