Groupes Télévision


View the history of ownership groups in Canada

Astral Media Inc.

À Montréal, les quatre frères Greenberg fondaient une entreprise de photographie, Angreen Photo inc., qui deviendrait par la suite Astral Média, propriétaire du plus grand groupe de stations de radio au Canada. Par ailleurs, cette entreprise détenait aussi d’importants actifs télévisuels traditionnels et spécialisés. Chacun des frères – Harold, Harvey, Sidney et Ian – contribueront de manière significative à l’évolution de cette entreprise exceptionnelle.

Bell Media Inc.

A history of the Bell media company from Alexander Graham Bell to now.

CHUM Ltd. (1944-2008)

York Broadcasters Limited, owned by entrepreneur Jack Q’Part, was licensed to launch Toronto AM radio station CHUM 1050.

Corus Entertainment Inc.

Pendant de nombreuses années, Shaw Cablesystems gérait avec succès ses divers systèmes de câblodistribution. Le 27 août 1987, en faisant l’acquisition de deux stations situées à Red Deer (Alberta), CIZZ-FM et CKGY-FM, Shaw (qui deviendra plus tard Corus Entertainment) effectuait son entrée en scène en tant que titulaire de licences d’entreprises de radiodiffusion en direct. Au cours de cette même période, Shaw effectuait d’autres acquisitions, dont celles de CISN-FM Edmonton (1988), CHAY-FM Barrie (1990), CKCK-FM Woodstock (1991) et CFOX-FM et CKLG-AM Vancouver (1992).

Diffusion Power

Power Corporation of Canada was founded as an electrical utility company in 1925 by Arthur J. Nesbitt and Peter A. Thompson. Over the years it branched out and became a diversified and multinational management and holding company that concentrated mostly on financial services, but also had interests in asset management, energy and other sectors.

Radio Nord (RNC Media Inc.)

With the acquisition from Roy (later Lord) Thomson of Abitibi Témiscamingue AM radio stations CKRN Rouyn, CHAD Amos and CKVD Val d’Or, brothers Jean-Joffre and David Armand Gourd, together with Roger Charbonneau, became owners of what was to become a major Quebec radio and television station group, Radio Nord (which would later become RNC Media). The stations were supplementary affiliates of CBC Quebec.

Rogers Media

In August, the first appearance of the name Rogers on the Canadian broadcasting scene came with the introduction of the Rogers Batteryless Radio at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. The break-through invention was powered by alternating current (A.C.), thanks to the new tubes that Edward S. (Ted) Rogers had invented, which did not need batteries, and which eliminated the severe hum that had previously been triggered by the use of alternating current. The development of the new receiver had been financed by Edward’s father Albert’s holding company, Standard Radio Manufacturing Corporation Ltd. (Standard).


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